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In the street corner park of Nanchang Village, Nanshui Town, Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province, there is an area known as Autumn Maple Garden for its ancient autumn maple trees. The autumn maple trees here are not only numerous but also have a long history. There are about 30 "centenarian" autumn maple trees, and the oldest one has a tree age of 513 years, which is a national first-class protected ancient tree.


Ancient trees are witnesses to a city's history and civilization. They are like the "living fossils" of the city, carrying the historical memories and cultural accumulation of the city. Each ancient tree is a witness to a period of history, a transmission of culture. They have witnessed the rise and fall of the city, and the changes in people's lives.


If ancient trees could speak, what would they say? They tell the stories of people's joys and sorrows, witnessing the development and changes of cities. They are the narrators of history and the inheritors of culture. Their existence makes us cherish history more and respect culture more.


The ancient trees and famous wood are not only precious genetic resources, but also unique ecological and cultural tourism resources. Their existence not only provides us with valuable ecological resources, but also adds a strong cultural atmosphere to our lives. Protecting ancient trees and famous wood is protecting our spiritual homeland.


The ancient maple trees in Jinwan, Zhuhai are just such witnesses of history. They grow silently, observe silently, and tell the story of Zhuhai silently.

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